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Apple brand loyalty dissertation

Apple brand loyalty dissertation

apple brand loyalty dissertation

Apple Brand Loyalty Dissertation be used for the following purposes: to enhance your subject knowledge; to cite references for ideas and numerical data included; to paraphrase the content, in line with your school's academic integrity policy/10() Disclaimer: is the online writing service that offers custom written papers, Apple Brand Loyalty Dissertation including research papers, thesis papers, essays and others. Online writing service includes the research material as well, but these services are for assistance purposes only Marketing and Branding Research 8() Marketing and Branding Research Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Behaviour Among Students of Veritas University, Nigeria: A Study of Apple Smartphones Michael Oyenuga1*, Agnes Ahungwa2, Emmanuel Onoja3 1, 2, 3 Department of Marketing, Veritas University, Bwari, Abuja, Nigeria ABSTRACT Keywords: The mobile phone

Apple and Brand-Customer Relationship - Words | Dissertation Example

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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link, apple brand loyalty dissertation. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Behaviour Among Students of Veritas University, Nigeria: A Study of Apple Smartphones Marketing and Branding Research, Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development Publishing.

Michael Oyenuga. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Behaviour Among Students of Veritas University, Nigeria: A Study of Apple Smartphones. Marketing and Branding Research 8 Marketing and Branding Research WWW. Previous studies on Consumer Behaviour brand equity tend to focus on telecommunications, banking, hospitality, banking, construction, fast-moving customer goods, apple brand loyalty dissertation, etc.

Received Therefore, the general objective of the study is to evaluate the brand equity of apple 29 December smartphones and customer behavior in Abuja, apple brand loyalty dissertation. The study adopted a apple brand loyalty dissertation research Received in revised form design. The study used primary data through a questionnaire using samples. The resutls revealed that brand awareness, brand association, and 09 January brand loyalty positively and significantly affect customer behaviour among Veritas University students.

This only happens when the relationship between mentormike yahoo the brand and the user is very in-depth and has an emotional connection with the mobile brand. The study recommended that firms interested in extending customer behaviour to repurchase their product categories should pay special attention to brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association linked to the functions of guarantee, social identification, and status.

Cecere et al. Sarwar and Soomro observed that, although smartphones have been in the market sinceit was not until the end of that the Blackberry was introduced into the market and that the smartphone became a commercially successful product.

InApple entered the market by developing the first iPhone model, and soon after, in JuneSamsung released the Samsung Instinct, a direct iPhone competitor, apple brand loyalty dissertation.

Since then, competition in the market has been quite stiff among the established players and new entrants. According to Cecere et al. Keller states that one of the most popular and potentially important marketing concepts to arise in the s was brand equity.

However, apple brand loyalty dissertation, its emergence has had both a positive and negative impact on marketers. Keller suggests that on the positive side, brand equity has elevated the importance of the brand in the marketing strategy and provided a focus for managerial decisions and research activity. On the negative side, apple brand loyalty dissertation, the concept has been defined in several different ways and for several other purposes, yet no common viewpoint has emerged about conceptualizing and measuring brand equity.

According to Andaibrand equity is a set of components that add to, or subtract from, the value provided by a product or service to both the firm and its consumers. These assets include brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. To manage brands properly, Andai emphasizes that marketers need to apple brand loyalty dissertation the value and aspects of their brands in terms of what makes them tick and what they are worth, and how they will measure and conduct the valuation of brand equity at consumer, product, and financial levels.

Aaker highlighted that most brand equity studies were done for two main reasons: the financial aspect, and the other for strategy motivation and improvement of marketing productivity. Thus, marketers need to gain a better understanding of brand equity in terms of consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is demonstrated when individuals search, purchase, use, and evaluate goods and services Andai, The survival of firms largely relies on an in-depth apple brand loyalty dissertation of the consumer.

Given the current competitive business environment, manufacturers have been forced to produce goods with consumer needs in mind. They also consider the process involved in consumer decision-making. More in-depth knowledge of consumer behavior helps marketers understand why and how consumers buy certain brands and how their environment shapes those decisions.

In addition to the consumer decision-making process, a marketer also needs to understand the dynamics that affect the way individuals and groups buy goods and services. On this basis, this study seeks to find out the effect of brand equity on the consumer behavior of students at Veritas University. The dimensions of brand equity often influence consumer preferences and intentions to purchase products and services Andai Aaker and KellerAkhtar, apple brand loyalty dissertation, Ulain, Siddiqi, Ashraf, and Latif identified dimensions of brand equity as brand awareness, apple brand loyalty dissertation, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty.

Previous studies on brand equity Akhtar et al. while ignoring the education sector. Does it mean that the concept of brand equity does not affect the education sector? Besides, apple brand loyalty dissertation, most of the work on brand equity has been carried out in Europe and Asia, with very few in Africa. The general objective of the study is to evaluate the brand equity of apple smartphones and consumer behaviour in Abuja.

Therefore, the study will rest on the following specific objectives: a. To determine the effect of brand awareness by consumers on apple smartphones in Abuja.

To know the effect of brand association by consumers on apple smartphones in Abuja. To find out the effect of the perceived quality on apple smartphones by the consumers. Apple brand loyalty dissertation Hypothesis H Brand awareness does not have any effect on consumer behavior among students of veritas university. H Brand association does not have any effect on consumer behavior among students of veritas university. H Brand loyalty does not have any effect on consumer behavior among students of veritas university.

Literature Review During the last two decades, brand equity has been viewed from a variety of perspectives. The concept of brand equity began to be used widely in the s by advertising practitioners. Other critical academic contributions have been developed throughout the years, advertising agencies have also continued to expand the cause and have developed their definitions and measurement systems.

Loyal consumers expect the brand to be always available and entice others, advising them to use it. Retaining existing consumers is much less costly than attracting new ones, and even if there are low switching costs, there is significant inertia among consumers. It is also difficult for competitors to communicate with satisfied brand users because they have little motivation to learn about alternatives.

Even if they do so, there is plenty of time to respond accordingly to that action. Aaker explained that; brand awareness could provide the brand with a sense of the familiar and a signal of substance and commitment even at the recognition level.

A typical brand is probably reliable and of reasonable quality. Awareness at the recall level further affects the choice by influencing what brands get considered and selected. The brand must first enter the consideration set before being on the purchase list. Perceived quality provides a reason to buy and can also attract channel member interest, allow extensions, and support reinvestment Chuma, A brand will have associated with it a perception of overall quality not necessarily based on detailed specifications.

The quality associated with a brand can also be a substantial factor in differentiation and positioning. Building a strong, durable brand implies an above-average quality positioning or a minimum perceived quality when considering brands positioned as low market competitors. Associations can be critical factors in differentiating and positioning, creating a reason to buy to those potential consumers who are looking for specific associated physical or emotional features.

Suppose a brand is well positioned upon a critical product attribute. In that case, a frontal apple brand loyalty dissertation by claiming superiority via that dimension will be a credibility failure, thus an association being a barrier to competitors.

A strong association may apple brand loyalty dissertation be the basis of a brand extension providing a significant competitive advantage in the targeted area. Other proprietary brand assets apple brand loyalty dissertation to patents, trademarks, and channel relationships to provide a strong competitive advantage.

Brand Awareness in Consumer Behavioiur According to Khaniwaleconsumer behaviour can be referred to as the combination of individuals' efforts before or while purchasing any product or service intended to fulfill an unmet need. Khaniwale further explains that buyer behaviour is the concept which answers what, why, how, when, and where an individual makes a purchase. The consumer typically goes through five stages before the actual purchase.

Kotler and Armstrong point out that the consumer can skip a few stages during a routine purchase. That is, purchases of a habitual nature often lead directly to buying, and thus the second and third stages are skipped.

However, when a consumer faces a new and complex purchase, for instance, where there is a change in price or availability, the buyer may reenter the full decision process and consider alternative brands. Whether complex or simple, the decision- making process starts with the recognition of a need. In contrast, external stimuli can be in the form of an advertisement that can get a potential consumer thinking about purchasing a new smartphone. The need recognition process can occur naturally.

However, marketers can often set it in motion by employing marketing tactics that create demand and encourage purchase. After a need is recognized, the consumer engages apple brand loyalty dissertation information searches to identify and evaluate alternative products and services. According to Khaniwaleapple brand loyalty dissertation, the possible sources of information include family, friends, personal observation, consumer reviews, salespeople, or mass media.

However, millennials currently rely more so on the internet for information. Despite consumers obtaining a large amount of their information from commercial sources controlled by apple brand loyalty dissertation, Kotler and Armstrong believe that the most effective sources tend to be personal such as family or friends. As consumers obtain information, there is an increase of awareness towards available brands. Subsequently, this information helps consumers drop some brands when making the final selection of the evaluation.

Lautiainen suggests that the evaluation of alternatives will vary among consumers and purchases. In the case of a habitual decision process, consumers often make little or no evaluation as their buying decision would typically be based on impulse and intuition. On the other hand, the consumers engaged in an extended problem-solving process may carefully evaluate several brands.

After apple brand loyalty dissertation evaluation of the alternatives, the consumer is then ready to make the actual purchase. Khaniwale pointed out that any intervention by marketers to simplify purchasing at this stage is often well received by the consumers, for example, by suggesting the best smartphone for a particular use through providing necessary product information on labels, advertising, and personal selling.

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apple brand loyalty dissertation

Apple Brand Loyalty Dissertation be used for the following purposes: to enhance your subject knowledge; to cite references for ideas and numerical data included; to paraphrase the content, in line with your school's academic integrity policy/10() Apple Brand Loyalty Dissertation, dissertation marquis de sade on appelle roman, ufo creative writing, essay intro jems maturity tkam. Please enter your email. Who We Are? Essay Help gives money back guarantee only if the final copy fails to meet the order requirements or get canceled by the tutor Dissertation; Dissertation Writing Services. which is harming their brand image as well as brand loyalty highly. In this respect, it is to mention that, technical advancement and availability is a major aspect for maintaining brand image of an organization. (), understandably technical innovation is the key competency of Apple and

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