Sunday, August 1, 2021

El nino essay

El nino essay

el nino essay

Essay on El Nino and Global Warming Words | 5 Pages El Nino and Global Warming El Nino has been known to wreak havoc al around the world, from Australia to Africa to the United States of America, and despite its approximate regularity, it is still not possible to predict exactly when it will appear or how much damage will be caused El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius. El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns El Nino: El Niño is a climate cycle that occurs in the Pacific Ocean This cycle happens along with a global impact on weather pattern El Nino occurs during the months of December and January During this event, ocean temperatures and rainfall from storms change direction to the east An Ek Nino occurs every 3 [ ] Read Full Article

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Worried about plagiarism? Read this. Help Login Sign Up. There's trouble in the air. Specifically, el nino essay, in the west coast of the Americas, where the sea surface has been heated to abnormal extremes by an ominous, intermittent flood of hot water called El-Nino. The term. The term was later restricted to the particularly strong periodic warmings that disrupt the local fish el nino essay bird populations, and extend westward across the equatorial Pacific Ocean to near the date line.

What is an El-Nino? El-Nino is the warming of the Pacific waters that is brought about from time to time by naturally occurring oscillations in atmospheric pressure and ocean movements in th equatorial Pacific, el nino essay.

The warmer ocean pumps more energy and moisture into the atmosphere and this in turn alters wind and rainfall patterns around the world. The atmospheric cirulation also changes when the sea-surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific rise above normal. In normal, el nino essay, non-El Nino conditions, the trade winds blow towards the west across the tropical Pacific. The sea surface temperature is about 8 degrees C higher in the west, with cool termperatures off South America, dut to an upwelling of cold water from deeper levels.

This cold water is nutrient-rich, supporting high levels of primary productivity, diverse marine ecosystems, and major fisheries. Rainfall is found in rising air over the warmest water, and the east Pacific is relatively dry.

Warming of the Pacific waters is not the only thing El-Nino is to be blames for. The current El-Nino warming has been so strong, el nino essay has added noticeable zip In WriteWork. WriteWork contributors. com, 01 February, WriteWork contributors, "El-nino," WriteWork.

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El-nino - WriteWork

el nino essay

Essay on El Nino and Global Warming Words | 5 Pages El Nino and Global Warming El Nino has been known to wreak havoc al around the world, from Australia to Africa to the United States of America, and despite its approximate regularity, it is still not possible to predict exactly when it will appear or how much damage will be caused El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius. El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns El Nino: El Niño is a climate cycle that occurs in the Pacific Ocean This cycle happens along with a global impact on weather pattern El Nino occurs during the months of December and January During this event, ocean temperatures and rainfall from storms change direction to the east An Ek Nino occurs every 3 [ ] Read Full Article

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