Indian Economy MCQ for UPSC preparation is immensely helpful for IAS Exam aspirants. As the Civil Services Prelims Examination is an objective-type paper that also carries negative marking; we have compiled a list of UPSC MCQ to give aspirants an idea about the intricacies of the IAS Prelims Cheap essay writing sercice. If you need professional help with completing any kind of homework, Online Essay Help is the right place to get it. Whether you are looking for essay, coursework, research, or term paper help, or with any other assignments, it is no problem for us Indian Economy: Growth, Development and Employment: In Indian economy where huge labour force is available, importance of an employment oriented growth is observable. Growth in economic terms relates to the increase in GDP (national income). GDP is the money value of goods and services produced in an economy
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The phrase 'Economy' is associated with the economic system of an area. Economic system consists of production, distribution and consumption of good and services between two representatives. Historically, in prehistoric period, till AD, the history of India started with the dawn of Indus Valley civilization which thrived between BC to BC. The economy of Indus essay indian economy appears to have depended considerably on trade, which was enabled by technical developments in transport.
Its inhabitants practiced agriculture, domesticated animals, made sharp tools and weapons from copper, bronze and tin and traded in terracotta pots, essay indian economy, beads, gold and silver, coloured gem stones such as turquoise and lapis lazuli, metals, flints, seashells and pearls.
They used to ship to reach Mesopotamia to do business of gold, copper and jewellery. Around BC, the Mahajanapadas imprinted punch-marked silver coins. The period was noticeable by rigorous trade activity and urban growth, essay indian economy.
By B. The political harmony and military security permitted for a common economic system and improved trade and commerce, essay indian economy, with increased agricultural efficiency. The kingdom spent substantial resources for building roads and maintaining them throughout Essay indian economy. The improved infrastructure joined with increased security, greater consistency in measurements, and increasing tradition of coins as currency to boost trade.
In another years, India produced its classical peoples which generated wealth in vast amount. Between 1st and 17th centuries AD, India was projected to have had the biggest economy of the ancient and medieval world, controlling between one third and one fourth of the world's prosperity.
In the realm of the Mughal period — ADIndia experienced unparalleled wealth in history. The gross domestic product of India in the 16th century was estimated at about An evaluation of India's pre-colonial economy puts the annual revenue of Emperor Akbar's treasury in AD at £ The gross domestic product of Mughal India in AD was assessed at about During this period, Mughal Empire had extended to include almost 90 per cent of South Asia, and essay indian economy a uniform customs and essay indian economy system.
The British East India Company established and expanded its political power gradually in India from They used huge revenue generated by the provinces under its rule for buying Indian raw materials, spices and goods, essay indian economy. Thus the continuous inflow of bullion that used to come into India on account of foreign trade stopped overall.
The Colonial government used land income for conducting wars in India and Europe and there was less money for development of India. More precisely, in the s, generally fine cotton and silk was exported from India to markets in Europe, Asia, and Africa; by s, raw materials, which primarily consisted of raw cotton, opium, and indigo, accounted for most of India's exports.
The cruel exploitation under British colonial rule totally destroyed economy of India. At that time, populace of India became poor and they had to suffer from food scarcity, essay indian economy, pervasive malnutrition and was largely uneducated.
In the period ofwhen India got independence from colonial rule, the process of transformation of the economy started. India went for centralized planning. The Five Year Plans which effectively changed.
First five year plan for the development of Indian economy was implemented in India as an agricultural economy, investments were made to develop irrigation facilities, essay indian economy of dams and laying infrastructure. Policy makers put more emphasis in the establishment of modern industries, modern scientific and technological institutes, development of space and nuclear programmes. Though extreme efforts were made to enhance economy after independence, essay indian economy, the country did not develop at rapid rate because there were lack of capital formation, cold war politics, essay indian economy, defence expenditure, and increase in population and insufficient infrastructure.
In the period of tothe economy grew at an average rate of about 3. During this essay indian economy, industry growth was at an average rate of 4. During tothe rate of economic growth enhanced. From financial year to financial yearessay indian economy economy improved at an annual rate of 5.
Industry grew at an annual rate of 6. Major essay indian economy for development of economy was high rate of investment. Investment went from about 19 percent of GDP in the early s to nearly 25 percent in the beginning of s.
Private savings had financed most of India's investment, but by the mids further growth in private savings was tough because they were already at quite a high level. Consequently, in the end of s India relied gradually on borrowing from foreign sources. This trend led to a balance of payments crisis in In order to receive new loans, the government had no choice but to agree to further measures of economic liberalization.
This promise to economic improvement was confirmed by the government that came to power in June India has already become centre for manufacturing of small cars and engineering goods. India is one of the promising markets for food and agricultural products in the world. India is the world's third largest producer of food.
Agriculture accounts for about essay indian economy India has developed as the major milk producing country, with annual milk production of over million tonnes.
It can be appraised that the Indian government has made significant effort in last 50 years to develop the scientific and technical infrastructure of the country. In educational field, there are more than universities, 1, research institutions and 10, higher education institutes, essay indian economy. In India huge number of engineering graduates and another technical graduates trained in specific field have contributed a lot for enhancement of economy of India.
This makes India second only to USA and ahead of other more established hubs, essay indian economy, such as Japan, Israel and Western Europe, and China. It is observed in present scenario that the Indian economy is rapidly growing economies in the world, essay indian economy.
Essay indian economy increasing income and savings levels, investment opportunities, huge domestic consumption and younger population will ensure growth for future. Planning is the procedure of thinking about and organizing the actions required to realise a desired goal.
Planning involves the formation and maintenance of a plan. Economic Planning is to make decision with respect to the use of resources. Economic Planning is a concept that is related to the long term plans of government to co-ordinate and develop the economy.
Economic planning in India was stared in It is necessary for economic development of country. There is an immense need for economic planning as resources in a country are limited whether natural resources or human resources. The shortage of resources compels the need for proper management at production, distribution and consumption ends. In order for huge growth of any nation, essay indian economy, it is imperative that there must be proper mobilization and utilization of resources.
Resources of nation include natural resources and human resources. For proper mobilization of resources, prior planning is of great help for a holistic approach. Besides, principal objective of growth and optimum resource utilization, these areas should be addressed in an appropriate plan. It is appraised that Economic planning assist in mobilizing and assigning the resources in desired manner, essay indian economy.
Major goal of planning is to reduce disparity, economic development, balanced regional growth, reconstruction. Each five year plan is intended to essay indian economy certain target, essay indian economy. Five year plan constitute the steps toward the fulfilment of objectives of economic planning. Mobilizing is the method of assembling and organizing things to use immediately or for a achieving a collective goal.
The concept of mobilization of resources should be seen in the same perspective. Mobilization of resources means to release locked resources. Every country has economic resources within its territory known as domestic resources. But often they might not be available for collective use. The percentage of resources used when compared to the potential is often very low. For the development of nation, identification and mobilization of its resources is essential.
It should be available for easy use and for central and state level planning. So initial step is identification of resources. Types of Resources of India: There are several resources available in India. Natural Resources such as Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Water, Spectrum. Human Resources like the labour force and intellectual ability of a nation, essay indian economy. Best utilization of these resources lead to generation of economic resources such as savings, investment capital, and tax.
While mobilisation of resources is considered, the mobilisation of economic resources should also be studied. India has sufficient reserves but due to policy bottlenecks, it is importing coal and iron. This is increasing our Current Account Deficit. Essay indian economy of Human Resources: Human capital is deciding factor in the economic development. Indian economy is plagued with poor human resources, essay indian economy.
It retards economic progress in country Gupta, Organizing human potential for ready use is essential for growth of India. In-fact, as country of crore people, India now is observing more on its human resource potential.
The demographic dividend is also in favour of India. Mobilization of human resources emphasizes the need to empower human resources. Weaker sections such as women, children, SC, ST, OBC etc. should be brought into mainstream. There should be correct employment opportunities for human resources, and when there is lack of skill the job demands, there should be skill development programs.
It is suggested to utilize the demographic dividend.
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