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Phd history thesis

Phd history thesis

phd history thesis

Jun 17,  · Unless you plan to go for a Ph.D. in history, a thesis will be the most significant academic writing of your life. It shows your in-depth knowledge of a subject, your ability to think logically, creatively, and originally. Besides, it’s a great way to demonstrate how good your writing is. We will write a custom essay specifically for you PhD Thesis. 10, Followers. Recent papers in PhD Thesis. Papers. People. Автореферат диссертации "Рукописные источники византийского Октоиха и их типология" [Abstract of my PhD thesis "Manuscript sources of the Byzantine Oktoechos and their typology"] Save to Library Muslim men in the imagination of the Medieval West, c. – c. . Sandell, Malin Johanna (The University of Edinburgh, ) This thesis focuses on how Muslims, specifically men, were represented in terms of gender, ethnicity, and religion in the central Middle Ages. While the scope of the issue is wide, the focus is on the

Dissertations by year, present | Department of History

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. phd history thesis no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. PhD Thesis 10, phd history thesis, Followers. Papers People. YÖNETİM VE ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞTA BİBLİYOMETRİK ANALİZLER. Mobbing, son yıllarda özellikle yönetim ve hukuk alanında sıklıkla gündeme gelen ve yoğun tartışmaların gerçekleştiği önemli bir konudur.

Psikolojik taciz olarak kısaca tanımlanabilen mobbing konusu ile ilgili phd history thesis son yıllarda Psikolojik taciz olarak kısaca tanımlanabilen mobbing konusu ile ilgili çalışmaların son yıllarda artmaya başladığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada mobbing ile ilgili gerçekleştirilen doktora tezlerinin bibliyometrik olarak analizi hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmada dikkat çeken birtakım bulgulara rastlanmaktadır, phd history thesis.

Bu doğrultuda mobbing ile ilgili en fazla tezin gerçekleştirildiği yıl phd history thesis adet doktora tezi ile olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmaların cinsiyete göre dağılımı ele alındığında kadınların, erkeklere göre daha fazla araştırma yaptıkları göze çarpmaktadır. View Comments. Flame Front Propagation and Finger Competition and Formation of a SingleSaffman-Taylor Finger without Surface Tension - PhD Thesis.

Save to Library. Автореферат диссертации "Рукописные источники византийского Октоиха и их типология" [Abstract of my PhD thesis "Manuscript sources of the Byzantine Oktoechos and their typology"]. Taxonomía de invertebrados phd history thesis revisión del género Hydroides Polychaeta: Serpulidae. Artículo de divulgación publicado en: ECOfronteras, ECOSUR 10 : The Development of Strategic Culture in Terrorist Organisations: Sample Chapter.

A sample chapter, introduction, and references list from my Monash University political science PhD 'The Development of Strategic Culture in Terrorist Organisations' on Japan's new religious movement Aum Shinrikyo. War, a violent form of international relations, has been affected and transformed by changes in social life and technology throughout history. The technology, actors, budget, logistics services of the wars, and even the clothing style of The technology, actors, budget, logistics services of the wars, and even the clothing style of the soldiers have been affected by this change.

Today, phd history thesis, war has turned into actions called armed conflict, rather than being phd history thesis phenomenon that takes place within the framework of strategies and tactics with rules and standards. With the influence of international law and nuclear weapons, the war between states has now decreased significantly and has become an exception. Intervention of international organizations and coalitions, especially the United Nations UNin conflicts also prevents the growth and totalization of conflicts.

In the 21st century wars turned into limited, low- intensity but high-violent clashes between states and ethnic and religiously referenced non-state actors, often rooted in failed states. Civilians and unarmed people have become more targets due to the lack of military order and hierarchical discipline. Hybrid warfare is a popular concept used to describe modern warfare that blurs the line between traditional warfare and non-traditional warfare.

However, hybrid warfare is a controversial subject with universally unacceptable definition and empirical evidence.

This thesis endeavours to examine how hybrid warfare can be defined in practice and whether conflicts phd history thesis some parts of the Middle East can be evaluated within this scope. The study seeks answers to topics such as how hybrid warfare is used in modern combat areas, how hybrid warfare works in the context of the Middle East, whether organizations such as DAESH and PKK can be seen as hybrid threats. Kondo Effect in Artificial and Real Molecules. In this Thesis we develop a novel direction in the theory of nano-objects, i.

In particular we elucidate the Kondo effect predicted In particular we elucidate the Kondo effect predicted in tunneling through triple quantum dots and sandwich-type molecules adsorbed on metallic substrate, which are referred to as trimers. The unusual dynamical symmetry of nano-objects is one of the most intriguing problems, which arise in the theory of these systems. We demonstrate that trimers possess dynamical symmetries whose realization in Kondo tunneling is experimentally tangible.

Such experimental tuning of dynamical symmetries phd history thesis not possible in conventional Kondo scattering. We develop the general approach to the problem of dynamical symmetries in Kondo tunneling through nano-objects and illustrate it by numerous examples of trimers in various configurations, in parallel, in series and in ring geometries, phd history thesis.

Abstract chapter 2 The Rappaport-Cassell model on change and continuity. Abstract chapter 1 Introduction. Phd history thesis Initiation of Phd history thesis Root Hairs; A Reaction-Diffusion System in a Non-homogeneous Environment.

A reaction-diffusion system, which can be considered as a generalised Schnakenberg-like model, is studied mathematically in 1D and 2D. This system models an initiation process within a root-hair cell which involves biochemical This system models an initiation process within a root-hair cell which involves biochemical interactions of the G-proteins, phd history thesis, known as Rho of Plants, or ROPs. These proteins attach to the cell membrane prompting a localised patch which, in consequence, induces cell wall softening and subsequently hair growth.

This model assumes that the auxin provided is the key catalyst. Auxin is a plant hormone which is known to be cause of many different features in plant morphogenesis. Also, this hormone is experimentally known to enter the cell inducing a spatially dependent gradient. Numerical bifurcation analysis is carried on in order to explore solutions which resemble all features that the G-proteins and auxin are known to cause, phd history thesis.

The main bifurcation parameters are taken to be the overall auxin rate, and the cell length. The analysis is backed up by full nume Mental disorder and mental health interventions for children and youth: the cases of non-suicidal self-harm and unruly behaviour A philosophical inquiry.

Thesis abstract This dissertation is a contribution to the philosophy of mental disorder with a focus on children and youth and questions about what interventions they need.

I start by asking whether non-suicidal self-harm in youth is I start by asking whether non-suicidal self-harm in youth is a mental disorder. Non-suicidal self-harm involves someone causing themselves harm with no intent to try to kill themselves.

Young people cutting themselves alone and when with peers may be viewed as destructive, abnormal and irrational. Yet, I argue that non-suicidal self-harm in youth is never a mental disorder in its own right. Although non-suicidal self-harm in youth is not a disordered behaviour, that does not imply that it never merits intervention, phd history thesis.

This leads to the question of what criteria should be applied when deciding whether to offer mental health interventions. I claim that whether one has a mental disorder should not determine whether one phd history thesis offered a mental health intervention.

The argument is made through considering the cases of phd history thesis self-harm in youth and unruly behaviour in children and youth. Unruly behaviour includes a wailing toddler, a child deliberately breaking items and a youth crossing police lines when protesting.

Unruly behaviour is another interesting case. In some instances, there is a high likelihood of negative outcomes for some children and youth who are behaving in an unruly way. However, unruly behaviour may also be part of a passing phase and helpful for development. The case of unruly behaviour, then, raises the question of when mental health clinicians should intervene. The cases of non-suicidal self-harm and unruly behaviour help make my central claims.

I say that behaviours and thoughts phd history thesis are usually part of a passing phase and produce goods appropriate to that phase of life are not mental disorders; that managing life in the best way one can with the abilities available at a particular stage of life is not disordered; and, furthermore, that whether one has a mental disorder should not determine whether one is offered a mental health intervention.

Finally, I say that, rather than depending on whether a person has a mental disorder, interventions should be offered only when they will advance the welfare of the service user. My dissertation will appeal to philosophers. I also hope that youth, parents, phd history thesis, teachers, clinicians, policy makers and similar will be interested in the contents. This is because important practical questions are asked that challenge common views, and that guide policies and clinical practice to improve the welfare and service outcomes for children and youth.

Whistleblower Protection and COVID Pandemic. Since the outbreak of COVID Coronavirus pandemic in Decembera large number of whistleblowers have suffered retaliatory actions and punishment from their employers for daring to air opinions about unethical practices, Since the outbreak of COVID Coronavirus pandemic in Decembera large number of whistleblowers have suffered retaliatory actions and punishment from their employers for daring to air opinions about unethical practices, corruption and public safety issues.

In China, for example, coronavirus whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang allegedly breached disclosure agreement by warning colleagues of the looming pandemic and sharing the information on social media. Internet users praised his phd history thesis against the Chinese Communist Party CCP.

But he was immediately arrested and detailed for many days, with allegations of "spreading phd history thesis rumours" and "seriously disrupting public order. His death sparked outrage in China, phd history thesis, particularly against the government's powerful internal anti-corruption setup. Public Defense of Ph.

Dissertation Piotr Pietrzak. Doctoral Education and the Doctoral Faculty Supervision in Poland. Under the communist regime in Poland, the number of doctoral students was low, phd history thesis, supervision followed the traditional model in which doctoral students worked closely with their supervisors, and completion rates were high.

However, following However, following the collapse of communism in there were three significant developments. Firstly, there was was a massification of higher phd history thesis in general and doctoral education in particular.

The number of doctoral students grew very rapidly from to before stabilizing see Kwiek ; Kwiek and Szadkowski Bythere were in all 39, students studying for doctorates in Poland, which was 15 times the total in Secondly, this dramatic expansion of student numbers was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of phd history thesis, which rose by only half. This had serious consequences in terms of the burdens of faculty supervision and hence the quality of doctoral education.

Thirdly, while thousands of extra students entered doctoral education, only a small minority gained their doctoral degrees; many either quickly dropped out or successfully completed their programs but never wrote and defended their dissertations NIK So, despite the massive increase in doctoral students phd history thesis tothere was only a two-fold increase in the numbers of doctoral graduates from 3, tophd history thesis, annually. Premio "Giovanni Morelli" - ed.

How to write your PhD thesis

, time: 1:08:10

PhD Thesis Research Papers -

phd history thesis

Jun 17,  · Unless you plan to go for a Ph.D. in history, a thesis will be the most significant academic writing of your life. It shows your in-depth knowledge of a subject, your ability to think logically, creatively, and originally. Besides, it’s a great way to demonstrate how good your writing is. We will write a custom essay specifically for you A dissertation prospectus should be divided into the following four sections: historiography -- setting the proposed study in the context of the relevant historical literature methodology -- outlining the approach the student proposes to take types of sources to be examined significance -- the PhD Thesis. 10, Followers. Recent papers in PhD Thesis. Papers. People. Автореферат диссертации "Рукописные источники византийского Октоиха и их типология" [Abstract of my PhD thesis "Manuscript sources of the Byzantine Oktoechos and their typology"] Save to Library

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Writing winning thesis or dissertation • 3rd 12

Writing winning thesis or dissertation • 3rd 12 [v] Contents Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Part I: Establishing the Foundations ...