CONCLUSIONThe literature review suggests that there is a positive relation between TV Advertising and youth purchase and that there is positive relationship of emotional response with consumer buying and TV Advertisements. Therefore, it is concluded that consumers purchase products by emotional response, rather that environmental response The paper " External Factors of Consumer Decision-Making" is a good example of a literature review on marketing. The first discussion had set to deliberate on the relationship between marketing and consumer decision making. A great deal of analysis was based on a new computer operating system, windows X A Brief Literature Review on Consumer Buying Behaviour. The topic of consumer behaviour is one of the massively studied topics by the researchers and marketers in the past and still being studied. Researchers show different reasons as to why consumer behaviour has been the topic of many academics and researchers
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Download Free PDF. Shailja Singh. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. com ABSTRACT Advertising is the key for building, creating and sustaining brands.
Advertisements play a major role in persuading, informing and reminding both potential and existing customers towards making a brand decision. It plays a vital role in shaping dreams and aspirations and helps customer take conscious product and brand decisions.
Advertisements with endorsements create easy remembrance for the customers for the advertised brand or product as the customers associate the brand with the celebrity and can easily register the brand. Some products or brands will hold a stronger position in the mind of the customers compared to purchase decision literature review from the same category.
Position of a brand in the mind of the customer is always relative. Purchase decision literature review also helps in creating Top of the Mind Awareness of a brand and aims at facilitating brand recall. Advertising through Television allows marketers to show and tell a wide audience your business, product, or service. It allows one to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership. Television appeals to the literate as well as the illiterate and this is one feature of TV that makes it unique and different from other mediums.
India is a country where people love to live in dreams and some even build castles in the air. The people watch films as their source of entertainment and watch sports, purchase decision literature review. They worship celebrities. Celebrities which purchase decision literature review be cricket stars like Sachin Tendulkar Sania Mirza or Film Stars like Shah Rukh KhanRanbir Kapoor or Katrina Kaif.
The people treat them as God and give a lot of importance to what these celebrities wear, the way they talk, their statements and style of fashion. Marketers use this very preposition so as to influence their target customers may be existing or potential ones. Information and Consumer Decision Making Individual differences include consumer resources, motivation, knowledge, attitudes, and personality. Environmental influences include personal information sources, purchase decision literature review forces of advertising in-store promotionsneutral sources booklets and pamphletshuman sources financial consultants and social and cultural influences Cant et al.
Consumer decisions are generally based on a combination of past experience and relevant information at hand. Advertising as an environmental influence impact the manner in which a consumer processes,evaluates and finally takes a decision. Top of the Mind Awareness Top-of-mind awareness TOMA is a company, brand or specific product coming first in customers when asked about a particular industry. The first recalled brand, product or company name is said to have the top of the mind awareness has a distinct competitive advantage in brand space, as it has the first chance of evaluation for purchase.
Celebrities in advertisements could result in a better www. The most influencing theory in marketing and advertising research is attitude-towards-the-ad. Advertisements being endorsed by celebrities are found to be less attractive and that the use of celebrities may not change the buying behavior of consumers significantly. According to Liebeck teenagers are now more knowledgeable. They are truly the internet generation, and get their news and information primarily purchase decision literature review television, purchase decision literature review.
The television medium is the most attractive and important place to advertise. Most of the young people remain glued to the television and enjoy what they see.
As a wide range of products and services are consumed or used by children, many companies tend purchase decision literature review target them Chandok, Advertisers target teenagers because of their high disposable income, their purchase decision literature review on parental purchases, their early establishment of loyalty to certain brands, and a conventional wisdom that they buy products on impulse Fox Saksena found that teenagers are influenced by TV advertisement and mostly purchased those brands and products which are advertised more on television.
Heath, Brandt and Nairn in their research reveal that advertising associations attempt to accomplish three things: attention, brand awareness and persuasion. According to the traditional attitude theory consumer, behavior is predicted from consumer attitude when consumers buy the brand, which they like the most. Thus, it can be said the marketers and advertisers who keep an eye on this market, must perceive opportunities to target consumers of India which is full of young generation Selvaraj, Kaur and Kaur explored fashion awareness among rural and urban adolescents.
They observed that television is the most important media of information regarding fashion awareness among rural and urban respondents. Unlike previous studies, however, the effects of such communication processes on teens are evaluated in the context of household decision making.
Thus, the influence of these images may be of enormous significance in shaping the attitudes and behaviors and attitudes of young people. Environmental variables might affect on buying behaviors of consumer Stern, As marketing related research proposed that environment provides certain type of experience for consumer, which are used for promotion and selling product or services Adelaar et al.
Therefore, it is concluded that consumers purchase products by emotional response, rather that environmental response. TV advertising impact on buying behavior of teenagers related to different residential backgrounds i.
Advertisements on TV have an impact on the trial of the product by the customer. Adelaar, T. Journal of Information Technology, 18, — Agrawal and Kamakura, Wagner A. Bauer, R. and Greyser, S. Boston: Harvard University.
Bijmolt, purchase decision literature review, T. Children are Understanding of TV Advertising: Effect of Age, Gender, and Parental Influence. Journal of Consumer Policy, 21, Cant, M.
Fifth edition. Oxford University Press 7. Chan, K. and Meyers-Levy, J. EdsAdvances in Consumer Research, Vol. Cooper, M. Can Celebrities Really Sell Products?
Marketing and Media Decisions, purchase decision literature review, 19 September Dean, D. and Biswas, A. Third Party Organization Endorsement of Products: An Advertising Cue Affecting Consumer Pre-purchase Evaluation of Goods and Services. Journal of Advertising, 30 4 Elliot, M.
Consumer perceptions of advertising clutter and its impact across various media. Journal of Advertising Research, 38 1 Fox, R. Gentry, J. and Doering, M. Masculinity-Femininity Related to Consumer Choice.
Greenberg and D. Bellinger Eds. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association Holden, purchase decision literature review, S. Ask Not What the Brand Can Evoke; Ask What Can Evoke the Brand. Journal of Advances in Consumer Research, 19, Kaur, H. and Kaur, R. Keller, purchase decision literature review, L. Strategic Brand Management Process, in Prespective of Modern Brand management, Ed. Franz-Rudolf Esch. Khatri, P.
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(ES) Decoding Decisions
, time: 18:12Dynamic Purchase Decisions under Regret Literature review

The paper " External Factors of Consumer Decision-Making" is a good example of a literature review on marketing. The first discussion had set to deliberate on the relationship between marketing and consumer decision making. A great deal of analysis was based on a new computer operating system, windows X CONCLUSIONThe literature review suggests that there is a positive relation between TV Advertising and youth purchase and that there is positive relationship of emotional response with consumer buying and TV Advertisements. Therefore, it is concluded that consumers purchase products by emotional response, rather that environmental response Oct 20, · Purchase Decision. Bruner and Pomazal () argue that a purchase is done by a consumer after s/he first recognises some kind of problem, and thus the purchase is a solution to the experienced problem. Further, Bruner and Pomazal () state that to be able to conduct a purchase the problem recognised needs to be defined
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