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Research paper on racial profiling

Research paper on racial profiling

research paper on racial profiling

“racial profiling is in fact the opposite of good police work, where actions are based on hard facts, not stereotypes. It is wrong, it is destructive, and it must stop.”1 As a result of increased national concern over racial profiling, the President directed federal agencies to begin gathering data on the race Racial Profiling Against Black People Research Paper. Words1 Page. To conclude, racial profiling against Black people by police officers is a serious issue throughout the nation. However, as proven by this essay, there are several solutions to mitigate the issue. By deposing police officers with racist stereotypes embedded into their minds, replacing poor police protocol targeting minorities, Racial Profiling Exist Research Paper Words | 6 Pages. nation progresses, a form of racism has grown called the racial profiling. Often used as a technique to prevent crime, racial profiling only serves to unreasonably accuse individuals of color of heinous crimes,

Research Paper On Racial Profiling - Words | Bartleby

In addition the author suggests that the relationship between police and racial minority citizens has throughout history been controversial, research paper on racial profiling, and argues that racial profiling is simply a method by which police agents can perpetuate discrimination and prejudice Bass, Mcleod examines the viewpoint that the problem with racial profiling is that it unmistakable identifies a certain portion of the population as 'them' and pairs that description against 'we' suggesting that racial disparities upset the natural order of things p.

Such thinking is not only outdated, but it also lays the foundation for ineffective policy and law enforcement efforts that are not focused on the problem, but are rather focused on a superficial aspect of a persons overall composition, namely their race Mcleod, Banks suggests that racial profiling is irrational and pervasive, and results in widespread investigation of black, Latinos and other racial minorities without empirical evidence….

References Banks, R. acial profiling is not new, however, research paper on racial profiling, and was a theory of sociology in the late 19th century known as Social Darwinism. Incorrectly using Darwin's theory of evolution, the Social Darwinists believed that some species were morally superior to others, and even some races superior to othersJohnson Public perception, though, believes in favor of seeing race as a reason for crime, and having a considerable fear of anyone outside their own ethnic group -- depending on the situation.

Similarly, much so-called "organized crime," amounting to billions of dollars annually has similar stereotypes of ethnic origin e. Mafia -- La Costa Nostra, ussian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Mexican Mafia, etc.

One is agog, for instance, at the number…. March Clearly, J. Grogger, J. And Ridgeway, C. Johnson, D. The Historical Background of Social Darwinism. Contemporary Sociological Theories, research paper on racial profiling. New York: Springer acial Profiling Since The racial profiling implies the discrimination by police to detail a person research paper on racial profiling suspect basing on the racial manifestations.

In the present days the process of racial profiling has changed to a great extent. Harris, 58 The racial profiling, till the present period was indicated towards the practice of police dragging over the black male drivers discriminately on the empirically valid but morally denounced hypothesis that they are more prone to be involved in crime.

Presently, research paper on racial profiling, the very term is used parallel to the concept of racial discrimination, research paper on racial profiling.

However, the racial profiling implies to anything specific that means logical discrimination that is racial prejudice with a non-racist justification. Kinsley, p: B07 The dependence on racial factor is quite hard research paper on racial profiling cabin or confine one aspect of law implementation. The racial profiles establish and reinforce popular labels about the inclination for criminality among the racial minorities.

References Abowd, Mary. The Chicago Reporter. December, A Bai, Jane; Tang, Eric. The War at Home: National Targeting of Noncitizens Takes on New Dimensions - A New Era - Immigrants in U. ColorLines Magazine: Race, Action, Culture. Spring, pp: Barbour, Christine; Wright, Gerald C. Chapter Six: The Struggle for Political Equality: What's at Stake in Racial Profiling?

html Accessed on 24 November, Davis, Nicole. The Slippery Slope of Racial Profiling. pp: The inverse would also be true. However, that question is not entirely black and white, pardon the pun Stenning.

The reason for this is that race can inform whether or why to stop someone for a traffic stop or on the sidewalk with racism not being the root reason. For example, a young white woman in her 20's would stand out like a sore thumb in a drug-infested area that is almost exclusively black and Hispanic.

It is almost a certainty that the women is either horribly lost or that she's there for less than noble reasons such as buying drugs or something of that nature. There could be other explanations but they are very unlikely. It is not all that dissimilar from a person that is black and is in an affluent and mostly white area. The person could very well be rich and well-off but there are a….

Works Cited Crank, John P. Academic Search Premier. Fox, Dov. Racial Profiling The distinguished Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Du Bois Institute for African and African-American tudies, was arrested for trying to break into someone's house. It happened to be his own Project America; This is but one of numerous cases of racial profiling that has been documented in this country and that points to the injustice and irrationality of singling out ethnic minorities for alleged crimes that these individuals have never perpetrated.

This is the definition of racial profiling. More specifically, racial profiling is the practice of law enforcement officers stopping an individual of a certain race or ethnicity and investigating them based on their ethnicity. uch practices may occur in traffic routines, guns or drugs African-Americansillegal immigration Hispanics or Latinosor in matters connected with security Muslims and Arabs.

Racial profiling was authorized in with the Bureau of Justice Assistance,…. Sources About. htm Aclu.

org "Racial Profiling. Ramirez et al. explains this clearly stating "when law enforcement practices are perceived to be biased, unfair, and disrespectful, communities of color and other minority groups are less willing to trust and confide in law enforcement officers and agencies, to report crimes that come to their attention, to provide intelligence and information, and to serve as witnesses at trials Ramirez et al.

In other words, racial profiling serves to increase instead of deter crime because it increases the hostility between police and the communities that they serve.

In addition to the inability of racial profiling to deter crime, one of the main problems often associated with racial profiling is the issue of civil liberties…. Works Cited Amar, Paul Introduction: New racial missions of policing: comparative studies of state authority, urban governance, and security technology in the twenty-first Century.

Ethnic and Racial Studies Racial Profiling in the Name of National Security: Protecting Minority Travelers' Civil Liberties in the Age of Terrorism. Boston College Third World Law Journal DEFINING RACIAL PROFILING IN A POST-SEPTEMBER 11 WORLD. The American criminal law research paper on racial profiling Detroit has also joined Los Angeles and Chicago in having such a regulation. A similar bill was attempted unsuccessfully thus far in Texas esponding to the concerns of organizations that represent Hispanics, Muslims and individuals of Arab descent, the Detroit City Council unanimously recently approved an ordinance that prohibits city officials from profiling people based on their appearance, race and similar factors.

The regulation also bans city officials from asking the immigration status of people who have not participated in a serious crime. The city says that it is against the harassment of individuals who are Detroit residents or who come to Detroit, research paper on racial profiling, based on their physical appearance Kruppa,B5.

Ordinance exceptions for police investigations of active crimes are if the immigration status is relevant and in the assistance of research paper on racial profiling investigations of terrorism. Overall, changes in the law have been slow in coming -- especially on the…. References ACLU. Department of Justice Statistics Show Clear Pattern of Racial Profiling. html Amnesty International nd. Testimony from Amnesty International USA's hearings on Racial Profiling.

The Case of Donald Boyd. Retrieved on May 10, at, research paper on racial profiling. The individual who learns the intensity of the racial hatred that exists through research paper on racial profiling learning knows that it is never wise to walk amongst the roses with one's head in the clouds just thinking or dreaming because living in the world meant watching at all times for approaching insult, breach of rights, danger and even death due to racial profiling.

Perspective Two: The Public Official The public official is ever aware of the votes that research paper on racial profiling him or her into their position. The position holds within it realm a certain power and safety that cannot be entered into, at least too harshly, with such things as racial profiling which are scary things indeed.

However, to admit that such things were scary, and indeed that they even exist while one is in office is the quickest way to lose that office to the next man in line who claims to…. html Print Media Visibility of Conservative and Progressive Black Academics In major research paper on racial profiling and research paper on racial profiling on the Nexis database, Jan.

acial Profiling of African-Americans in Lake County, Indiana Students need to have an awareness about racial profiling, who are most likely to be targets for racial profiling, and about the research paper on racial profiling necessary to work upon the solutions to racial profiling and this can be understood within the context of racial profiling in North West Carolina, research paper on racial profiling.

acial profiling is considered to be one of the vital civil rights concerns of the present day. It has widespread influences adversely affecting more than just the victims to all the persons of all the generations and different status. It weakens the legitimacy of the criminal justice system and inhibits research paper on racial profiling policing in the communities that necessitates it the most.

In the circumstances of traffic stops by police officers, racial profiling is indicated to be the application of race or ethnicity by the enforcing officers as an element in concluding to stop, question, and search…. References "Badge challenge: Recruit minorities. html Accessed on 16 May, "Components of Racial Profiling Legislation. html Accessed on 16 May, research paper on racial profiling, Danitz, Tiffany.

Not only were minorities more likely to be stopped than whites, but more often than not are pressured to allow searches of their vehicles, and are more likely to allow such searches Anderson Pp. In Marchthe New York Times reported that a investigation by New Jersey police of their own practices found that "turnpike drivers who agreed to have their cars searched by the state police were overwhelmingly black and Hispanic" Anderson Pp. Although African-Americans and Hispanics have been the targeted victims of racial profiling, since the September 11th attacks, Arab-Americans and visitors from Middle Eastern countries also find themselves the target of racial profiling due to their ethnicity and the global profile of terrorists Barnes Pp.

Many believe that racial profiling is….

How racial profiling hurts everyone, including the police - Jamil Jivani - TEDxToronto

, time: 10:38

Racial Profiling Research Paper - Words | Bartleby

research paper on racial profiling

Feb 04,  · Racial Profiling the War on. Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. 4%, among whites, it was %, and was % among Hispanics, yet African-Americans represent more than 57% of those incarcerated for They consider the effectiveness of racial profiling, deter-mining that, in fact, the evidence shows that racial profiling is both ineffective and inefficient. Finally, they argue that the demonstrated ineffective and unjust nature of racial profiling demands that it be rejected, and that a proactive, enforce-able ban on its use be Size: KB Racial Profiling Against Black People Research Paper. Words1 Page. To conclude, racial profiling against Black people by police officers is a serious issue throughout the nation. However, as proven by this essay, there are several solutions to mitigate the issue. By deposing police officers with racist stereotypes embedded into their minds, replacing poor police protocol targeting minorities,

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