Sunday, August 1, 2021

Review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones

Review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones

review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones

Literature Review on Customer Satisfaction Dr. Ankur Saxena (Technocrats Institute of Technology - MBA, Bhopal, India) 1. Introduction: Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous, abstract and confusing concept. Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are happy and delighted with the products and services provided by a business. In We will check that customers are satisfied using mobile phone applications because it is not checked anywhere so it is our gap also. Literature Review Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of difference between prior expectations about product and its actual blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Customer Satisfaction - Mobile Phones. Words92 Pages. ABSTRACT The British mobile phone market has grown considerably over the previous years and is regarded to be one of the largest mobile markets in Europe in terms of both the number of subscribers and the revenue of mobiles which exceeded £ billion in

Customer Satisfaction - Mobile Phones - Words | Bartleby

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Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. A study on customer satisfaction towards smart phone users. Shamim Reza. Bharathi Prabu. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper.

A short summary of this paper. Interna tional Jo urna l o f Applied Research ; 1 1 0 : -2 74 ISSN Print: ISSN Online: Impact Factor: 5. com users Received: Accepted: M Ragupathi, G Prabu Dr. Ragupathi Assistant Professor and Head, Abstract Department of Commerce, Today, communication is one of the gifts of man.

It acts as a repository of wisdom, a propeller for the Government Arts and Science advancement of knowledge and the telescope to view the vision of the future.

Therefore College Komarapalayam, communication is linchpin of a business. phone users particularly college students.

Descriptive research method has been used for this study. The G Prabu data related to Smartphone users were collected through Questionnaire method. Convenience sampling Ph. D Research Scholar Full method was used by the researcher to review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones the data. The size of sample is The data collected were edited, coded and processed with the help Department of Commerce, of SPSS software. The statistical tools are used for T-Test, F-Test, and Factor analysis.

There is a Government Arts College significant difference between the satisfaction level of Smartphone users and gender of the respondents. Salem - Keywords: Communication, T-Test, F-Test 1. Introduction Alexander Graham Bell is the inventor of telephone. In he made the first phone call. Telephones have not only come a long way, but may one day be completely obsolete. Motorola introduced some of the first Cellphones to the public during the s. These cellphones were completely unlike the cell phones of today since they were not at all compact nor by any means cost effective.

The first smartphone was developed by IBM and BellSouth, which came out review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones the public in Smartphones are major extension on normal cellphones. Cellphones can make phone calls and even some have video recording capabilities but they do not have Global System for Mobile Communications GSM capabilities along with a whole array of other applications. Text messaging is one of the biggest forms of communication today, especially among the younger folks.

Smartphones capability does not end at the internet access, or at document editing. Smartphone users can download Quick Response QR code scanners as well as other applications so they have the ability to read the information embedded in the Quick Response QR code that may take them to a website, a coupon, or even a social media site.

Meaning of Smartphone A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer especially it has touch screen, interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps. Correspondence Dr. Ragupathi 1. Customer satisfaction Review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones Professor and Head, Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products Department of Commerce, and services supplied by a company meet or surpass the customer expectation.

Customer Government Arts and Science satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or the percentage of total customers, who College Komarapalayam, reported their experience with a firm, its products, or its services ratings exceeds Namakkal - specified satisfaction goals. Review of Literature 3. reason for purchasing mobile phones and usages of mobile phone applications. This study revealed that SMS is the most 3.

Objective of the Study widely used Valued Added Service, review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones. The results revealed that  To analyze the customer satisfaction level towards smart most of the respondents were satisfied with their current phone usage. service provider show maximum willingness for shifting to  To study the factors of mobile phone problems by the Airtel.

college students. kavitha and Mr. Mohana Sundaram 3. The data entire related to Smartphone users. This paper carried out with an objective to determine the Convenience sampling method was used by the researcher to consumer preference and satisfaction. This paper collect the data. The sources of data were primary as well as concentrated on one particular mobile phone brand called secondary.

The primary data were collected through Samsung and its price, quality, colour, and satisfaction level. Secondary data are those have been collected from company profile, product profile of the company, Uchin Lee, et al. The data collected were deprivation and attention deficits, review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones being increasingly edited, coded and processed with help of SPSS software.

recognized recently. This emerging issue motivated us to The statistical tools are used T-Test, F-Test, Factor analysis. analyse the usage pattern related to smartphone overuse. The paper is also analysed the usage data of identify between 4, review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones. Demographic Profile of the Respondents group usage differences, which range from the overall usage patterns to app-specific usage pattern. Table 1 Variables Characteristics No.

of respondents Percentage years 5 N Mean S. D qualification Value Value It is ascertained from the above table that maximum of Graduate 13 It indicates that the male respondents are more than the female respondents. It is also Total 50 observed that H0: There is no significant difference between the The above table shows that And the The Hence, it is concluded that there is no 15, significant difference between the satisfaction level of The above table shows that studying graduation, 8.

Phil, and Factor Analysis clearly shows that majority of the respondents are studying To test the appropriateness of factor analysis technique the post graduation degree. correlation between the variables is cheeked and Kaiser- The above table shows that the The correlation matrix is a lower living in urban area.

It clearly shows that majority of the triangle matrix showing the simple correlation, r, between all respondents are living in urban area Being an identity matrix of population correlation matrix, all the 4. The and Satisfaction Level of Smartphone Users test statistics for sphercity is based on a Chi-square Independent Sample T-test transformation of the observed correlation coefficients to the magnitude of partial correlation between pairs of variables Table 2 cannot be explained by other variables and the factor analysis may not be appropriate.

Generally, a value greater than 0. D T-Value P-Value desirable for the test statistic. Male 40 Chi-Square Hence, it could be concluded that there measure of sampling adequacy is 0.

Operating system 4. Web Browsing 2. Apps 1. Camera quality 1. Style 1. Technical specifications.

Literature Review with Practical Example

, time: 4:18

(PDF) A study on customer satisfaction towards smart phone users | Shamim Reza -

review of literature on customer satisfaction in mobile phones

“Determination of potential for Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Mobile Handsets Using Kano Model” published in Indian Journal of Marketing, November, Abstract: The Project Entitled “A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Samsung Mobile Phone In Erode City Is Carried Out With An Objective To Determine The Consumer Preference And Satisfaction/10() Customer Satisfaction - Mobile Phones. Words92 Pages. ABSTRACT The British mobile phone market has grown considerably over the previous years and is regarded to be one of the largest mobile markets in Europe in terms of both the number of subscribers and the revenue of mobiles which exceeded £ billion in Customer Satisfaction in business term is a measure REVIEW OF LITERATURE Level of Satisfaction with Mobile Phone Service Providers - with Special Reference to Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu” have point out in recent the demand for mobile phone is increasing. There are

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